Welcome to SaFe Day School
Welcome to Santa Fe Day School at Santa Fe Presbyterian Church of Edmond (SaFe Day). We are so excited that you have chosen our school for your child and look forward to being a part of your child’s growth and learning experiences. SaFe Day is dedicated to providing quality early learning opportunities and enrichment to children in a safe and nurturing environment.
We encourage parent participation in our school and welcome your suggestions, questions, and feedback. Please feel free to drop by anytime or make an appointment with me if you have any questions or concerns.
I am looking forward to many months and years of watching your child learn and grow with us at Santa Fe Day School. Thank you and WELCOME!
Yours truly,
Nancy Johnson – SaFe Day Director

SaFe Day Mission Statement
Because Jesus welcomed children and encouraged us to welcome them in His name, we at Santa Fe Presbyterian Church affirm that all children are a gift from God; all children are a gift to the whole community; all children have the right to be children; and all children are not just tomorrow, they are today. Santa Fe Presbyterian Church demonstrates its obedience to Christ’s mandate by operating Santa Fe Day School (SaFe Day).
SaFe Day Philosophy
Santa Fe Day School’s purpose is to “Expand Tomorrow’s Horizons by Enriching Lives Today”. By providing a balance of developmentally appropriate activities and play, our school enhances physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. There is a focus on the process of learning instead of solely outcome. This means that the emphasis we place on providing opportunities for children to observe, seek, investigate, and acquire information to think critically, may not result in lots of eye-appealing results for taking home. We recognize each child as an individual, with unique growing patterns, learning styles, and interests. Our staff will be responsive to individual needs and will maintain an atmosphere of respect and acceptance. Santa Fe Day School promotes independence, self-reliance, self-discipline, and a sense of belonging for all children.
SaFe Day Board
The SaFe Day Board is responsible for establishing policies, procedures and programs for SaFe Day School, with guidance from the SaFe Day Director and Church Director of Children’s Ministry. The Board is composed of at least four (4) members of the Church, no more than two (2) parents of SaFe Day children and no more than one (1) teacher. The SaFe Day Director and Church Director of Children’s Ministry serves as ex-officio members of the Board.